
About Us

This blog was earlier initiated in WordPress (yr 2008) which later moved to Google. My overall motive is just to provide a detailed knowledge for an SQL DBA covering performance tuning tips for SQL Server databases.

Keeping in mind that I never “test” any of the script/query/information provided on this site directly on a production SQL Server. Always test each tip on a “test” or “pre-production” server first.

If you have any suggestions or issues regarding what you have seen on the site, please feel free to write to me at and If you can’t find the information you need, make sure to try the “Search” button on every page.

I always look for new contributors to the site. If you would like to contribute to the site by writing Articles, Tips, FAQ’s or maintaining a regular blog, you are always welcome.

I request everyone to refer my ‘Quick DBA’ articles as well.

Best Regards

T. Amit Vaid S.

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