Monday, November 21, 2022

SQL Server Performance Peanuts....!

Just to share major components to find performance bottlenecks. Read this article for quick reference.

P - PerfMon, Major counter to look at.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio.

Page Life Expectancy.

Memory Available vs Target.

Disk IO read/write.

CPU Utilization.

Total vs Target Memory etc.

E - Enabling Performance Features, MaxDOP, CPU and Memory Configurations.....

A - Analyse High CPU Queries/SPROCs and Analyse Execution plans for Missing Indexes.

N - NDF files/Secondary Files - We can plan to add another Filegroup and move large tables to new Filegroups as For example: DataFile2.ndfDataFile3.ndf, and DataFile4.ndf, can be created on three disk drives and assigned to the filegroup "SecondaryFileGroup". A table can then be created specifically on this filegroup. Queries for data from the table will be spread across the three disks; it will improve performance.

U - Update Statistics, we can disable Auto Update Stats Setting and run the Update Stats During Off hours.

T - Transaction Logs (In this Category we can reduce the number of virtual Logs).

S - Simple Recovery Model (When we switch to Simple Recovery its minimally logged/Only Page allocations, hence improve performance.

However, there is no point-in-time recovery/No Log Backup can be taken as disadvantage.

Best Regards

Amit Vaid

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