
Monday, September 4, 2023

MS-SQL Server - Rani, Pluto & D-Naming Rules

Rani, Pluto & D-Naming Rules


The role of Rani (A Queen) is basically exists in most of the technologies and in a famous game of Chess also.

I admire msdb which is responsible to keep history of jobs and silently active as Queen handles so many things.

Pluto in regards to SQL Server performance is nothing but

P - Partitioning tables

L - Log space & setting up recovery models accordingly.

U - Update Statistics

T - Tempdb Best Practices

O - Optimizing Queries

Database Naming Policy


It's recommended to restart SQL service to be able to Re-Create tempdb intermittently.

This process removes unwanted data/objects from Tempdb database.

Error S1000,attempting%20to%20generate%20a%20report.

Any query will be considered.

T. Amit Vaid S.

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