Monday, December 5, 2022

SQL Server 'SALES'

Nowadays companies should start switching from any other database to Microsoft SQL Server because of it's easy to implement features and low cost.

And this 'S A L E S' article reminds us to keep few things noted while purchasing as mentioned below.... 

S:- Search for suitable license for your IT Infrastructure by Number and Model of your Servers with client machines.

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L:- Limit
It's necessary to understand the maximum limits and match with your actual requirements.

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E:- Editions

After understanding the features requirement, it's time to check the availability in different editions before raising the requirement.

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S:- Six Sigma - Later, we can also plan to implement Six Sigma Techniques i.e.
DMAIC (Define—Measure—Analyze—Improve—Control) OVERALL this helps to optimise the processes and reduce the cost.

A Freelancer / Companies should feel comfortable by charging anything between 10-20K to help analysing overall SQL Server requirement before creating PO with Software License Provider / Partner.

Best Regards Always

Amit Vaid

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